Let’s talk about preschool “math” and what to focus on in the early years.
When it’s comes to “math” in the early years, the goal is to create connection, expose our children to foundational skills and focus on these concepts through play. Rather than sitting down for “math lessons,” we seek informal learning opportunities and organically implement these five focuses all throughout our days!

Whether it’s counting the amount of crackers for snack, trees lining a sidewalk or how many step it takes to get from one place to another, counting is a foundational skill that will lead our children to understand quantities, units of measurement and develop a proper understanding of the number system in the years to come.
Whether it’s putting a rock collection in order from smallest to largest, following a recipe together or following daily routine cards, sequencing is a foundation skills that will develop logical thinking and mathematical reasoning skills in the years to come.
Whether it’s grouping the types of food within trail mix, placing toys into group by color or placing animals together by their habitats, sorting is a foundational skill that helps children to organize information, notice similarities and differences, and categorize information in the years to come.
Whether it’s creating patterns with stickers, beads, loose-parts play or magnatiles, patterning is a foundational skill that will help our children to learn what comes next, make accurate estimations and learn the structure of the numerical system in the years to come.
Whether it’s reading books about numbers together, playing with number magnets on the fridge or going on number walks to notice numbers on the street signs, number recognition is a foundational skill that helps children to understand a number’s value, where numbers fall in sequence and creates a foundation for math success in the years to come.