Let’s talk about “nature study” in the early years.

When we began dreaming up our homeschool days, time spent of nature became a part of our everyday rhythms. But, in the midst of breathing in the fresh air, letting the sun settle on our skin and beholding the beauty of God’s creation, we’ve also come to learn the impact that “nature study” has on a child’s learning, development and regulation.

How “nature study” impacts LEARNING

As we invite our children to experience nature through the seasons, this time spent outdoors naturally promotes curiosity and wonder by observing natural changes, becomes a catalyst for creativity by open-ended nature play and leads to critical thinking as our children are invited to take in, analyze and study the natural world.

How “nature study” impacts DEVELOPMENT

As we encourage our children to experience the joy of playing in the beauty of nature, our children are growing across all five developmental domains (cognitive, socio-emotional, physical, language and adaptive), which is the goal of these early years. Each and every time we press into “nature study,” this time outdoors is helping to develop the brains, bodies and hearts of our children in more ways than we will ever know.

How “nature study” impacts REGULATION

As we establish daily rhythms of experiencing nature, our children breathe in fresh air, feel the sun on their skin and move their bodies, which naturally increases serotonin levels and releases endorphins, which are the hormones that make us happy and regulate our central nervous systems.

So, let’s celebrate the impact of “nature study” on the learning, development and regulation of our children as we embrace the beauty of nature as a key part in our homeschool days.