Deliverance | 10 Bible Promises for Mamas
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Galatians 1:3-5
Mama, have you been carrying the weight of motherhood, experiencing the bondage of a trying season with your child, or praying and asking God to deliver you from a hard stage of development as you wait for it to pass?
Whether it’s the sleepless newborn nights, a child throwing food on the floor at every meal, the big toddler emotions that come without any rhyme or reason or reminding your child for what feels like the umpteenth time of what is safe and expected in your home…Motherhood is sanctifying, holy work that comes with countless hard stages and trying seasons as we are raising, loving and helping our children to grow.
In those hard stages and trying seasons, the encouragement that mamas often receive is, “it will pass.” While those words are true, because every hard stage will end and every trying season will pass, I wonder if those words are actually a barrier to experiencing the goodness, grace and nearness of our Deliverer, Jesus Christ, in the thing that we are walking through.
As I’ve been praying and studying the idea of biblical deliverance and how it applies to motherhood, God placed this question on my heart, “Are we clinging tighter to our hope of deliverance from a hard stage or trying season, or are we embracing the promise of our Deliverer in all things?”
If I’m being honest, my answer is often hoping that God will deliver me out of a hard stage or trying season of raising my sweet boy, rather than pressing into the promise of our Deliverer and what He has in it for me. Waiting is hard, and we often don’t see the fruit of clinging to Jesus in those hard seasons until long after they have passed. As I write these words to your heart and mine, they are not to point at the ways we are failing as mamas, but rather a loving, kind and gentle invitation that God is offering us to experience the freedom of being delivered and the fullness of His presence in every season.
As we respond to this invitation, may we embrace this promise by praying for deliverance, pressing into our Deliverer and expecting the fullness of deliverance to come.
1. God invites us to pray for deliverance.
Call upon me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.
Psalm 50:15
When we endure those hard stages and trying seasons of motherhood, God invites us to call upon Him. His word reminds us that in this life, there will be trouble, trials and tribulation. But, in those hard things, our hope comes in knowing that He has already overcome (John 16:33) and because of His death and resurrection, He has now made a way for relationship for you and me.
Prayer is simply “talking to God” and He delights when we call upon Him in every trouble. Your prayers are not a burden to Him, but are worship and His delight. As we call upon Him and approach Him in prayer, He declares that He will deliver us, maybe not always from our temporary circumstance, but as a promise for all of eternity. So let’s run to Him, making our Savior the first place we turn to in times of trouble, believing that those moments of talking with our Maker will fill our souls with sweet reminders of the promises He has for us in those hard seasons.
2. God invites us to press into the Deliverer.
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalm 18:2
When we endure those hard stages and trying seasons of motherhood, God has promised us the presence of our Deliverer. I find that when I feel the weight of motherhood, I am quick to forget about who God is and what He has promised to me. We were made for oneness with our Creator and when we begin to feel weight, exhaustion and need for rest, I believe those are symptoms of our hearts actually calling out more of His presence.
May we speak these promises over our hearts until they are printed deep into our souls. God is our rock. God is our fortress. God is our deliverer. Nothing else in this world will satisfy the longing in our hearts to feel safe, secure and free from the weight and burdens of this world apart from Jesus. Let’s press into Him when our hearts are yearning for temporary, circumstantial deliverance, believing that He who is promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).
3. God declares that we can expect the fullness of deliverance to come.
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Colossians 1:13-14
When we endure those hard stages and trying seasons of motherhood, we can expect the fullness of deliverance to come. The kingdom of His beloved Son refers to the kingdom of God that is a promise to believers for eternity, when God will reign and the troubles, trials and tribulation of this world will be no more. When eternity comes, the promise of deliverance will come in full, when God will rescue us from this world.
May we fix our minds on eternity, on the promise of what’s to come which leads our hearts to pray, press in and trust Him all the more in these temporary trials we are walking through. “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).” Our eternity is a promise of our deliverance from this world and into the presence of our Savior, forevermore.
In whatever hard stage or trying season of motherhood this finds you in…the promise of hope, joy and praise remains in this: We have the promise of our Deliverer and He is all we need. Though our prayers for circumstantial, temporary deliverance may not be answered in this season, God declares the fullness of deliverance for eternity to come.
So mama, let me ask you, are you clinging tighter to the hope of deliverance from your hard stage or trying season, or are you embracing the promise of our Deliverer in it all?
Mama, this is God’s invitation to you… a loving, kind and gentle invitation to experience the hope, joy and freedom of deliverance and the fullness of His presence, our Deliverer, in everything. When the waters of motherhood rise and we find our hearts heavy, in bondage and asking God to deliver us, may this become our new rhythm – to pray, press in and expect the fullness of deliverance to come. May we be the mamas who choose to take hold.
As a way to celebrate these 10 Bible Promises for Mamas, I have collaborated with my dear friend, Annalisa Sawtell, who is an incredible artist with an inspiring love for Jesus and a heart for seeking beauty where truth and grace collide. Each week, she will be releasing a floral art print that captures the heart of each promise. Our hope is that mamas would download these weekly prints as a way to reflect on the weekly promise and embrace the scripture that reminds us of each truth.
Deliverance | Peony

Follow along with Annalisa as she shares more beautiful artwork and inspiring words on Instagram and at
Join us for this ten week series as we unpack each one of these 10 Bible Promises for Mamas! If you missed the introduction to the series, click here to read. God has promised us peace, joy, presence, strength, guidance, deliverance, rest, purpose, mercy and hope in all things. I pray that His word is our stronghold and His promise is our hope. I’m praying for you, mama!